Working groups and research focuses
Head: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eleonore Faber
Head: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Martin Kalck
Our research group studies algebraic, homological and combinatorial structures from (algebraic) geometry using methods from representation theory. A main focus is on homological and algebraic invariants of singularities and their (non-commutative) resolutions.
Head: Prof. Dr. Klemens Fellner
Research in the Applied Analysis group has its roots in advancing the mathematical theory of complex and coupled partial differential equations. At the same time, we develop mathematical models of real processes with a strong focus on the life sciences and the arts.
Head: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Lara Trussardi
The research focus of the Applied Mathematics group is to investigate mathematical models of behavior ranging from the natural sciences (e.g. pattern formation) to the social sciences (e.g. opinion dynamics) using (non-linear) partial differential equations.
Head: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Quoc Bao Tang
Our research group focuses on multi-species systems emerging from diverse scientific fields, including physics, chemistry, biology, social behavior, and epidemiology. We primarily employ mathematical modeling, partial differential equation analysis, and computational simulations as the main tools.
Head: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Christina Krause
The working group Mathematics Didactics / FDZ MathEdu is dedicated to contributing to the development and research of the best conditions for 'Mathematics for All'.
Head: Dr. Benjamin Hackl
The research focus FAIR (Findable - Accessible - Interoperable - Reusable) Mathematical Software aims to popularize and promote the development, maintenance and use of high-quality, open-source mathematical software.
Head: Prof. Dr. Kristian Bredies
The research group studies various aspects in the fields of analysis, numerics and the application of inverse problems with a special focus on mathematical image processing. Special emphasis is also placed on the transfer of research results to concrete application scenarios such as biomedical imaging or magnetic resonance and computer tomography.
Head: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gunther Leobacher
The research group focuses on problems in high-dimensional probability theory, stochastic analysis, information-based complexity, and asymptotic geometric analysis.
Head: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Martin Holler
The Research group "Mathematics of Data Science" works at the interface of data science, machine learning, inverse problems and image processing.
Head: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Clason
The research group Optimization and Optimal Control deals with the analysis and numerical treatment of application-oriented and applied optimization problems involving partial differential equations.
Head: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gundolf Haase
The group focuses on research on fast numerical solvers for partial differential equations with special emphasis on the study and further development of algebraic multigrid and related multilevel methods. Various parallel computing environments and state-of-the-art hardware are used, from many-core processors/accelerators to grid computing.
Research networks and partnerships
Here you will find a list of all international and cross-group research networks in which our institute is currently involved.
Research projects
A complete list of all research projects of our institute is available on the research portal of the University of Graz.
The complete list of published research results can be found in the research portal of the University of Graz.
Further information (especially preprints and full text editions) can be found on the websites of the individual working groups, projects or scientists.
In addition, the following series of publications are/were published by the institute or individual working groups: